We specialise in producing Porcelain Bushing

  • ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System by Llyod’s Register Quality Assurance
  • KEMA Laboratories Certified Test Reports
  • ICMET Craiova Certified Test Reports
  • Produced According to DIN, EN, BS, and IRAM standards
  • Produce Porcelain Bushings for LV and HV Applications
  • 30 Years' Experiences Produced Transformer Accessories

DIN Bushing

EN Bushing

4500A - 6500A Bushing

LV BS Bushing

BS Bushing

IRAM Bushing

Would you like to know more about our Porcelain Bushings? Just let us know below.

Not sure about your Porcelain Bushing spec? Please contact us for more information. Please email us at sales@porcelainbushing.com

Our operations are housed in a 28,000 square meter factory complex. We are certified ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System by Llyod’s Register Quality Assurance.
The fully integrated purpose-built facility, good governance, professional and skillful team, and decades of experience in the industry reinforce our commitment to meeting all our customers’ needs.



CNC Machining

Laser Cutting

Robot Welding

Finwall Folding Machine

Plastic Injection

Router Machining

Our brand is synonymous with top-notch quality and our facility produces a wide variety of products from corrugated Finwall to Tank Fabrication, Transformer, and an assortment of transformer accessories such as Porcelain Bushings, Bushing Covers, Tap Changers, Pressure Safety Valves, as well as Oil Level Indicators.

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A Malaysia & Türkiye Porcelain Bushing Manufacturer.